Water Department
The Municipal Authority of the City of Sunbury Water Department located at 1600 Market Street Sunbury, PA is a municipally-operated water supplier. The Filtration Plant is permitted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to pump 5.0 million gallons per day. We currently pump an average of nine hours a day or approximately 2.5 million gallons of water per day. The total staff of the Sunbury Water Department consists of 8 employees.
Our primary water source is Little Shamokin Creek. Upstream on the creek, above the Filtration Plant, a dam is located. The dam withholds three million gallons of water forming reservoir #1. The water flows by gravity from reservoir #1 through sixteen inch pipes to the large raw water reservoirs # 4 and # 5. Reservoir # 4 holds seventeen million gallons of water. Reservoir # 5 holds twenty five million gallons of water.
During dry weather or drought conditions water is pumped from our secondary source the Susquehanna River. The intake is on the west branch of the river.
The treated water is pumped through a transmission and distribution system consisting of over 35 miles of pipe ranging in size from 3/4" Service lines to 24" Transmission mains to the City's consumers. The Distribution system has close to five thousand connections and one hundred fifty nine fire hydrants. The Municipal Authority supplies potable water and water for fire protection to the City of Sunbury and a portion of Upper Augusta Township. The Water Department currently serves a population of approximately 10,000.